Expert Lecture on Ansible - Industry Use-Cases by Redhat and LW

About Experts:
Mr. Sreejith Anujan
▪️The Principal Instructor at Red Hat
▪️Primarily responsible for empowering Red Hat customers with tailor-made enablement services. Also heading the designing and delivering high-quality content on integrated solutions and trusted partners across APAC, ANZ, and APJ. He was a Speaker in 2018 where he had discussed Linux Container Internals.
Mr. Arun Eapen (Director, APAC Service Delivery, GLS RedHat Asia Pacific)
▪️ Specialist :- Linux and Security 🔐
▪️The First RHC*(RHCA, RHCSS, RHCDS, RHCVA) in India. Founding member of the Free Software Foundation India. Being in open source software for more than 24 years.
Keeping the lights on!!!
- Auto Remediation
- Patching and Security
There were Four main points to focus on:
- Focus on Small Tasks and Solve the Complex ones.
- Review what others have automated.
- Treat Automation like Software.
- Think Out of the Box.
Ansible Tower : Enterprise Level Automation
Ansible code should be enterprise based i.e. Programmatic which is secure, reliable and fast.
Provisioning with Ansible:
We can use Ansible to Launch a full-fledged EC2 Instance on top of the AWS Cloud at Scale with Automation, which is known as Provisioning.

Control Node is the server over which Ansible is running, The only Single Point of Failure. What if it goes down? What will happen to Our Automation?
The Solution is :
Ansible Tower is an API (WebUI) running on top of the Ansible Engine for Automating Network. It’s a Secure Platform which can be integrated with many advanced tools and is preferably used to Scale the Automation.
This can used in Configuration Management, Provisioning, Application Deployment as well Security Remediation with Stretching, all of these together.
There are Templates available, Which are used to discover playbooks in Ansible Tower and directly use them for certain use cases.
Tower Clusters connects multiple Ansible Tower nodes into a Ansible Tower cluster. Ansible Tower clusters add redundancy and capacity, allowing you to scale Ansible automation across your enterprise, including with reserved capacity for certain teams and jobs, and remote execution for access across network zones which removes the Single Point of Failure.
ChatOps :
This is a kind of Operation Tooling, Which is used to notify the Team over Modern Messaging Platform about any change or update, over any Ansible Notebook by Ansible Tower. like Slack, Hipchat, PagerDuty etc. Also saw the Hands-on Practical of How Slack Notifications works with ansible workflow. Which is a Critical Component of Continuous Delivery/Deployment.
Also, Use WorkFlow Visualizer of connecting multiple playbooks and using them in a certain sequence easily.
Ansible Collection is like Ansible Galaxy Roles but they are powered by Ansible(Redhat) and the Company which created them like AWS, Azure etc. In these, You will get their Support if you face any problem. But in the case of Galaxy Roles, It’s a community thing and you will not get any support.
Cloud Support:
Also, We can use Ansible Tower with Multiple Cloud Platforms, For using it with platforms like AWS, Azure etc, We can directly connect Ansible Tower with them using Credentials like Access Key and Secret Key and While using on some local cloud platform like Oracle, IBM, DigitalOcean etc , You can create your own Credentials and use them to access the Ansible over those Platforms too. That’s How, We can also create new job templates for the Ansible.
There were many more things about which we learned in the session like RHV(Redhat Virualization), Python Virtual Environment, Orchestration, Ansible Configuration and many other concepts.
This session enabled us to think in a different way, How the technology really affects the Real World Use Cases Scenarios. I would personally like to thank LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd for organizing such a workshop with Industry Experts who have such vast knowledge and Experience about the subject matter and Real world Problems.
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